A pink graphic with 5 author photos in bubbles across the middle

Writing Advice with Harlequin Authors

In need of some writing advice? Well look no further because the Harlequin authors are here to help! Today we’re diving into the I Got the Call archives to get their best tips.

Stacey Kennedy:

Cover image for Stacey Kennedy's The Devil in the Blue Jeans

Learn, learn and keep on learning. I never went to school for writing. In fact, I went to college and became a law clerk for about seven years.

My writing journey began when I became a stay-at-home mom. My daughter was a big napper, which gave me a lot of time to read. From all that reading came a story idea, and that’s when I started writing. After being turned down by traditional publishers and agents, I submitted to small press e-book publishers. Luckily, my story got picked up. From that day forward, I learned all I could from my editors. Later, when my work became stronger and I signed with an agent and a traditional publisher, I kept on absorbing all of my editors wonderful knowledge.

My advice for anyone struggling to find their story a home is to hire a freelance editor and let them sprinkle their magic all over your manuscript before submission. I can’t say it enough, editors are amazing teachers.

Read Stacey’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out her latest release, The Devil in the Blue Jeans.

Charlene Parris:

Cover image for Charlene Parris' Watchers of the Night

DON’T GIVE UP. I can’t say this enough. With every rejection there’s a lesson and an opportunity to learn more about the writing craft and try again.

When you submit, try not to sit and wait for an answer; jump back in and work on the next book.

Read in the genre you love to get ideas and inspiration.

 If you can, try and find your “tribe”—fellow authors who can support, mentor and be your cheerleaders.

Read Charlene’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out her Harlequin debut, Watchers of the Night.

Looking to learn more about how this title went from Pitch to Purchase? Check out editor Emma Cole’s video all about Watchers of the Night:

Kellie A. King:

Cover image for Kellie A. King's A Home for the Doctor

Be present for your own work, it’s hard, but anything worth having means we step, stumble, get up and start all over again if necessary. The beautiful thing about being a writer is that there is an infinite number of worlds we can build, and characters to weave. Be unapologetically proud of your talent and each milestone you make, celebrate, no matter how small it may seem! It’s bigger than you can possibly imagine. Dream big and live the exact same way when it comes to your writing.   

Read Kellie’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out her Harlequin debut, A Home for the Doctor.

Kate Keedwell:

Cover image for A Wedding Date for Christmas by Kate Keedwell

It’s surreal to offer this advice myself, after reading so many of these posts over the last year! At the risk of sounding cliche, prioritize joy in your writing. Think about the archetypes and tropes you love in your favorite books and movies and television shows, and fill your stories with them. You can’t control whether every single reader will fall for your novel, but you can make sure you do.

Read Kate’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out her Harlequin debut, A Wedding Date for Christmas.

Looking to learn more about how this book went from Pitch to Purchase? Watch editor Katie Gowrie’s video all about A Wedding Date for Christmas:

Justine Lewis:

Cover image for Justine Lewis's Beauty and the Playboy Prince

Keep writing! Celebrate the highs and try not to worry too much about the lows.  I submitted to Harlequin a few times before I got the call. I’m so glad I kept at it.

Also, time isn’t going to fall into your lap – you need to make it. But if you can manage even half an hour and a couple of hundred words a day, and do that consistently, you will get there. And faster than you think.

Read Justine’s original I Got the Call story, and make sure to check out her latest release, Beauty and the Playboy Prince.

For more from our Harlequin authors, catch up on all our I Got the Call stories.