Boot Camp is Back!

Have you heard?

 the #SYTYCW15 Boot Camp is back! 

We’ve got more character building, plot-thickening and series enlightening posts to help get you and your manuscript ready!



Fear not romance writers, the boot camp (despite its name), is not a rigorous physical test, with a scary beef-cake instructor breathing down your neck! The SYTYCW Boot Camp is a chance for you to whip your manuscript into shape in readiness for our annual writing competition-
So You Think You Can Write – which launches in September!


But what will there be you ask?

But we know the question on everyone’s lips is…

recite-1hysa6zWell dear authors, we have a secret to tell you…

All you need to do is log on to on Thursday 18th June from 5 a.m to 4 p.m EST, check out our line-up of fabulous content, and what time they’re taking place and enjoy!

recite-17cg9So now really is the time to start writing them and thinking about your next amazing story! You never know, yours could be the one randomly picked and reviewed by one of our wonderful editors!

We guarantee your manuscript will be given a thorough work-out but your story, characters and writing will be all the better for it!

Spread the word, get your boot camp game face on and get ready to work those manuscripts!

Happy writing! 
