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Romance Writing 101: Imagining your characters

To encourage your participation in our #RomanceIncludesYou blitz, we have a helpful, fun post by one of our former colleagues, Grace […]

Posted on: August 14, 2018

Getting the Call: Meet Clare Connelly!

This week, we welcome new author Clare Connelly to Harlequin Presents! I grew up in a small, rainforest community on […]

Posted on: December 9, 2016

Romance Writing 101: Location, location, location!

Harlequin insider Grace talks you through finding the perfect setting for your story – and bringing it to life! Hello, […]

Posted on: December 5, 2016

Romance Writing 101: Mastering the art of dialogue

Harlequin insider Grace helps you master the mysterious art of dialogue! Hello to you all, dear aspiring writers! Today I’ll […]

Posted on: November 7, 2016

Romance Writing 101: Describing your hero and heroine

This week, Grace Thiele gives you her top tips on how to describe your characters with maximum impact! Hello dearest writers! Today, […]

Posted on: August 17, 2016

Dear Editor, how can I make a whirlwind romance believable?

Dear Editor, I would love to write a whirlwind love story, but I’m worried I won’t be able to make […]

Posted on: August 3, 2016
Young Woman working from home who is sitting on the floor in front of the couch.

An editor’s guide to writing your synopsis

By Susan Litman, Special Edition Editor Every writer’s least favorite part of prepping a submission is the synopsis. Should it […]

Posted on: July 27, 2016

What happens after you submit your story?

Associate Editor Elizabeth Mazer reveals what happens to your story after you hit submit! So, you’ve finished your manuscript—congratulations! And […]

Posted on: July 20, 2016

Advice Swap: Where do you find the inspiration for your heroes?

Hi everyone, After all of your amazing, insightful responses to our last Advice Swap on dealing with writer’s block, we’re back […]

Posted on: July 18, 2016

Advice from the Stars: Scarlet Wilson

Today is our final inspirational quote before RWA 2016 – we hope you’ve enjoyed the advice from the stars! To […]

Posted on: July 13, 2016