Getting the Call: Meet Rosanna Battigelli

Harlequin Romance’s newest author Rosanna Battigelli tells us her Call Story and why you should submit to the Harlequin Romance Blitz!

I believe in dreams and in romance, which is why I was first captivated by Harlequin romances years ago, and why today, I am thrilled to be writing them!

When I saw a Facebook post about a Harlequin blitz in 2016, I got excited. Was the universe trying to tell me something? About a week before, I had come across a Harlequin romance that I had begun to write thirty years earlier. (I had written one and started two back then, but hadn’t actually been published.)

And then teaching and raising my children seemed to swallow up all my time, so my romances went into a dormant stage, nestled within the cozy confines of my filing cabinet. While they lay resting, my desire to be a writer did not.

I slowly began to lay the foundation for a career in writing: joining a writer’s group, taking writing workshops, reading as many books as I could on the art and craft of writing, continuing to read romances and other genres, going to writing conferences, and throughout, submitting stories for contests and anthologies. And happily getting stories published here and there, with a novel to be released in Fall 2018.

I believe in synchronicity, and the power of believing. I had a dream years ago about writing Harlequin Romances, and when I saw the Harlequin post after re-discovering one of the romances I had started, my dream re-ignited! The post was encouraging writers to submit a synopsis and first chapter of a romance featuring a Canadian hero. I read over the few (handwritten!) chapters I had and was surprisingly pleased with what I had written, and how the story still captivated me.

Could I continue from this point? Revisit my synopsis and rework the initial chapter? I was up for the first challenge! My husband had always encouraged me to believe in myself as a writer. I had retired from a successful and satisfying career as a teacher (another dream) and was ready to participate in this exciting opportunity! I met the deadline and waited, wondering if my submission would pass the first test . . .

When I received the positive email from editor Victoria Britton saying that she would like to read the entire manuscript, I was stunned. Harlequin was interested! But would they be just as happy with the rest of the story, which I still needed to write?

They were! The exciting response came some months later, followed by a call, which I believed to be for the purpose of discussing further revisions.

When I was told that the real purpose was to inform me that Harlequin recognized my potential and was offering me a contract, I was floored. Stunned.Thrilled!

 Was this a dream? No! Yes! No, as in, it was really happening. Yes, as in, my dream about writing for Harlequin had become true. As this all sank in, I was overwhelmed with joy.

Some of my friends call me “the dreamer.” I will always believe in dreams and romance. Harlequin Romances take me to places I want to go physically and emotionally, which is why I love reading and writing them!

Dreams do come true. So if you are thinking of writing for Harlequin Romance, believe in yourself and submit during the Harlequin Romance Blitz!

I am so happy that my first two Harlequin RomancesSwept Away By The Enigmatic Tycoon and Captivated By Her Italian Boss—will be available soon! And I look forward to writing more!

May your Harlequin dreams come true!

Rosanna Battigelli x

If you’re interested writing for Harlequin Romance, also known as Mills & Boon True Love (UK) and Mills & Boon Forever Romance (Aus/NZ), you can submit your first chapter and synopsis to the Harlequin Romance Blitz from 1st February to Valentine’s Day 2018 and get FAST editorial feedback by 21st February!  Full details here: