There are only a few days left of our Dare Blitz, and the heat is still on! If you’ve been reading our editor posts on the blog or joined one of our Editor Q&A’s, you know all about what we want to see in your proposals.
So, polish those submissions and send them to us by the end of this week! Friday April 20th at midnight EDT is the last day to submit. You’ll receive feedback from a Dare editor by May 4th.
A roundup of some top tips we’ve hit on during this blitz:
- The first chapter is your chance to shine so make it count. Start with a great opening line and end with a bang. Leave us wanting to turn the page even when there are no pages left to turn!
- Our editors have let you know what they’d love to see, but remember that editors can be swayed to love something else if it’s executed properly. Keeping our guidelines in mind, if you think you’ve hit on something great—even if you’re not sure it’s what we’re looking for—our best advice is to send it in and see what happens!
- Don’t worry too much about length or formatting. We’re judging your proposal based on your story and how it’s executed. If the proposal is readable and you’ve got great hooks and solid characters with chemistry, your pitch has a chance.
- If you’re stumped about anything—synopsis, cover letter, opening chapter, submitting—or want advice in general about Dare and writing romance, remember that So You Think You Can Write is a great resource!
Want to learn more?
For those of you who missed our Facebook Q&A with the Dare editors on Monday, now’s your chance to catch up! Log on to Facebook and request to join the Harlequin Writing Community Group, then view our Dare Blitz chat here. This is a great group to join if you want to connect with Harlequin’s published and aspiring authors to talk romance writing.
We want to thank all of you who’ve submitted to our blitz so far, joined us in our Q&As and left comments on our blog posts or on social media. Your participation and enthusiasm makes this so much more fun! We look forward to reading all of your proposals—good luck, everyone!
The Harlequin Dare Team