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7 Questions for Debut Author Avril Tremayne

Last year’s So You Think You Can Write contest brought forth a lot of wonderful stories and great writers. One particular favorite […]

Posted on: May 23, 2014

Cristal Ryder Talks About Writing with Heat!

  Cristal Ryder’s written for Ellora’s Cave, Sybarite Seductions and Lyrical Press. So she knows about stories that are steamy, […]

Posted on: May 20, 2014

7 Questions for Cristal Ryder

  Cristal Ryder has written numerous compelling, emotional and sexy stories for Ellora’s Cave and Sybarite Seductions among others and […]

Posted on: May 16, 2014

Line edits with Harlequin Editor Carly Silver

  Although edits are definitely hard for an author, they can also be difficult for an editor as well. Most […]

Posted on: May 14, 2014

Line Edit stage with Harlequin Special Edition author Amy Woods…

Publishing is definitely a business of ebbs and flows, with periods of intense activity and emails and tension followed by […]

Posted on: May 13, 2014

7 Questions for Harlequin Historical author Elisabeth Hobbes

  A few weeks ago Harlequin editor Sarah Stubbs talked about acquiring debut Harlequin Historical Author Elisabeth Hobbes. Here’s some […]

Posted on: May 9, 2014

Where’s Your Unpredictable? The Harlequin Editors Want to Know!

Pulling up some more old files uncovered another of our checklist/mandates from a few years ago. There are themes that […]

Posted on: May 8, 2014

Reka Rubin Talks About Subsidiary Rights

Subsidiary rights are all those “other” rights that aren’t the standard print or ebook rights that Harlequin itself does. So […]

Posted on: April 29, 2014

7 Questions for Debut Author Jill Lynn

The Love Inspired team certainly has been busy! Here’s the story of another exciting, talented debut author they’ve found! Seven […]

Posted on: April 25, 2014

What has Harlequin Editor Clio Cornish Been Acquiring?

Our London office has been busy acquiring some exciting titles. Here’s Clio Cornish (@ClioCornish, Editorial Assistant for Harlequin® KISS™ & Harlequin® […]

Posted on: April 24, 2014