Check here regularly for news and updates about the Romance Includes You Mentorship.
Harlequin Announces Winning Recipient for Romance Includes You Mentorship
Sera Taíno’s debut romance novel to be published in Harlequin Special Edition in 2021. Read more.
The Romance Includes You Mentorship Submission Window Closes.
The mentorship submissions window closed on Oct. 15, 2019 at midnight (ET). Harlequin received over 160 submissions and is thrilled with the response from participants! We will be reviewing submissions and doing final judging through the rest of 2019 and hope to have a winner picked by early 2020.
The Romance Includes You Mentorship is Open for Submissions!
Start writing today and send us a submission by Oct. 15, 2019.
Harlequin’s Romance Includes You Mentorship Initiative Supports Increased Diversity and Inclusion in Romance Publishing (July 10, 2019)