Everyone remembers their first date with Harlequin. It might have been hiding under the covers reading your first Harlequin book by flashlight, being offered your first job by the amazing Harlequin family, or even getting ‘The Call’ to say Harlequin wants to buy your book! Whatever size, shape and significance of that ‘date’, these are the moments that make being a part of Harlequin so special!
To us here on the Harlequin editorial team, making a date with Harlequin means more than just finding your perfect publishing match and being a part of the Harlequin brand – although of course this is SO important too! It means relationships with fellow authors and editors, those editorial partnerships which evolve over many years (and in some cases, many drinks!). It means being a part of a romance community, a place where you’re quite within your rights to claim searching for images of hot movie stars or glamorous 5 star hotels counts as ‘research’ (don’t pretend you haven’t…).
As editors, our aim is to ensure that every date you have with Harlequin is as thrilling and creatively inspiring as the first. And we want to hear all about your experiences! On July 20th we’ll be tweeting all our favorite ways to #MakeADateWithHarlequin and we’d love to see all yours, too! Show us your favorite spot to curl up with a Harlequin Romance, or post a pic of you and your editor bonding over lunch!
And if you want to find out more about how to #MakeADateWithHarlequin, join us at the Harlequin Series Spotlight at RWA Orlando, on Thursday July 27th at 4.30 p.m. EDT. I’ll be there along with Senior Editor Stacy Boyd and Assistant Editor Claire Caldwell. We’ll be going speed dating with the series lines, and finding out what kinds of stories Harlequin editors are looking for!